Monday 16 July 2018

Crop Production and Management.

Crop  Production and Management.
Class 8.

1."Use of manures is advantageous over fertilizers”. Justify the statement.
 2. Paddy cannot be grown in the winter season. Why?
3. What will happen if the field is not ploughed before sowing seeds?
 4. What are crumbs? Why should they be broken?
 5. Tabulate 4 major differences between manures & fertilizers.
2. Fill in the blanks:-
 (a)The same kind of plants grown & cultivated on a large scale at a place is called_______
 (b) The first step before growing crops is _______ of soil.
 (c) Damaged seeds would ________ on the surface of water.
 (d) Paddy & maize are kinds of ________crops
 (e) Animal excreta, cow dung, urine & plant waste are used to make ________
 (f) Urea & superphosphate are ________
 (g) Wheat, gram, pea are kinds of ________ crops

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