Thursday 12 September 2019


                                 SCIENCE              CLASS -6 
A. Give one word answer: 
1. Name a food that can be eaten raw. ________________
 2. What is the green pigment present in green plants called? ________________
 3. Which is the fastest mammal? ________________ 
4. What contains calcium and is good for our health? ________________
 5. What is the sugary liquid collected from plants by honeybees called? ________________
 B. Define the following:
 1. Food ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 
2. Sprouts ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Carnivore___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
 4. Food chain _________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

 C. Differentiate between: 
1.Herbivore and omnivore______________________________________________
2. Edible and non-edible parts of a plant ______________________________________________________
 3. Autotrophs and heterotrophs ______________________________________________________
 E. Give reasons:
 1. All living things need energy. ______________________________________________________
2. Sprouts are good for health. ______________________________________________________
 3. We should drink milk everyday. ______________________________________________________

Deficiency of iodine causes anemia/goitre.
 3. Fruits and vegetables are protective/bodybuilding foods.
 4. Spinach is a good source of calcium/iron.
 5. Excessive loss of water causes dehydration/loss of vision. B. Write one or two words for each: 
1. The food which a person takes ________________
2. Diseases caused by lack of nutrients in our food ________________
 3. Chemical substances needed by our body for proper growth and functioning ________________
 4. Undigestible part of food stuffs ________________ 
5. The foods which protect our body against diseases ________________
 C. Complete the sentences:
 1. The popular dish kheer consists of _______________________________________________.
2. The main nutrients are carbohydrates, ____________________, _____________________, _____________________________________.
 3. Haemoglobin is a protein ______________________________________________________ 4. Hormones are chemicals ______________________________________________________ 5. All plants produce cellulose ______________________________________________________. D. Write one function of each of the following: 
1. Vitamin A - _______________________________________________________________.
 2. Vitamin B - _______________________________________________________________. 
3. Phosphorus - _______________________________________________________________. 
4. Calcium - _______________________________________________________________. 
5. Iron - _______________________________________________________________.
 E. Given below are some incorrect statements. Correct them and rewrite.
 1. Bleeding gums are symptoms of a disease called rickets. ______________________________________________________
 2. A single food can supply all the nutrients required by our body. ______________________________________________________
3. Protein energy malnutrition causes a disease called goitre. ______________________________________________________
4. Cellulose is a kind of protein. ______________________________________________________

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