Crop production and Management
A. Tick the correct option.
1. The nitrogen deficiency of soil can be made up by using the principle of:
a. Mixed cropping b. Crop rotation
c. Multiple cropping d. Mono cropping
2. Neem leaves constitute:
a. Bio pesticide b. Compost
c. Green manure d. Fertilizer
3. The rearing and caring of animals to obtain food on large scale is:
a. Agriculture b. Poultry farming
c. Horticulture d. Animal husbandry
4. Excess of nitrogen fertilizers increases the:
a. Acidity in the soil b. Alkalinity in the soil
c. Basicity in the soil d. Salinity in the soil
5. 2, 4-D is used to kill:
a. Pests b. Insects
c. Rodents d. Weeds
6. Amaranthus is a:
a. Weed b. Kharif crop
c. Rabi crop d. Pest
7. Jute bags, silos and granaries are used to store:
a. Fruits b. Vegetables
c. Grains d. Chaff
8. Separation of grains from the chaff:
a. Weeding b. Threshing
c. Harvesting d. Winnowing
B. Select the correct word from the help box to fill in the blanks.
Help Box: seed drill, broadcasting, nitrogen fixation, hybridisation, green
revolution, transplantation, levelling, moisture, granaries, manure
1. __________ ensures irrigation and distribution of minerals in the field.
2. The agricultural implement used to sow seeds is called __________.
3. __________ should be removed from the food grain just before its storage.
4. The process of scattering seeds manually is called __________.
5. The process of plantation of paddy from the nursery in the field is called __________.
6. The process in which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into nitrogen compounds is
called __________ .
7. Tremendous increase in the production of food grains is known as __________.
8. __________ is the process of crossing two or more varieties of plants having the desired
genes to obtain a variety of maximum yield.
9. __________ are not nutrient specific.
10. The storage of grains on large scale is done in __________.
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